
Birthstone for February: Amethyst

Birthstone for February: Amethyst

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The birthstone for February is, of course, an Amethyst which represents the cooler shades of winter with its purple gleam. It is a gemstone that was worn by both ancient Greeks and Romans and was believed to rid the intoxicating powers of Bacchus. It is composed of quartz which is an easily accessible element which is often found within the earth’s crust. It is a durable stone which gets its colour from both iron and irradiation. Whilst this gemstone is usually light purple its colour can vary in different shades of purple to light pink. Amethyst’s are commonly found in the United States, Zambia, Canada and Brazil.

The amethyst is not only associated with the birthstone for February but also represents the 6th and 17th year of marriage, therefore, would make a great gift for those celebrating lasting companionship.

The History of  the Amethyst

The Amethyst can be traced back as far as 2000 BC. Throughout history, it has often been associated with royalty and used to be one of the most precious gemstones in the market. It was even at the same value as a diamond at some points. It was until a large mine was discovered with an abundance of the stone that it became more accessible to buyers with a range of wealth. Even today, the amethyst is still admired for its beauty and symbolism, wearers believing that it promotes intelligence and rids evil thoughts.

Amethyst Jewellery

Two of our iconic jewellery brands have dedicated a range of charms to the birthstones for the month, Chamilia and Thomas Sabo.

Chamilia February Birthstone Jewels


This is a charm that works well as a birthday gift for those that have a friend or loved one born in February. It is not overly complicated in design and would be a beautiful addition to a new or existing charm bracelet.

Thomas Sabo February Charm Violet 925 Sterling Silver/ Amethyst

Thomas Sabo

Thomas Sabo is well known for their intricate and stunning designs and this charm is no exception. It is a simple charm which symbolises the amethyst well, in a gorgeous purple shade.

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