

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


At James Moore & Co, we strive to provide excellent service and answer all your questions. Therefore, we have curated a selection of some of the most frequently asked questions, from our customers, to guide you in the correct direction.

At James Moore Jewellers we have tried to make placing an order as easy as possible. To start, simply find the product(s) that you wish to purchase by looking through the different brands and categories. Then add the item(s) to your virtual shopping basket. From the shopping basket screen you will be able to checkout and complete your purchase. This will then prompt you for a few details required for your order. You will receive a confirmation on screen once your order is complete – then we’ll do the rest!

We always try our best to accommodate any order updates/changes that you may want to make, however this may not always be possible, especially if the item has already been dispatched. Whether you wish to cancel an order, or add/remove a product, or you simply wish to change your expected delivery day, please get in touch with us at [email protected] or 01926 298499.

We offer a 30-day return period for all items on our site, in case for any reason you do not wish to keep the item(s) that you ordered. As long as the item(s) is still in a new and unworn condition we will be able to accept this back for a full refund (minus postage upgrade fee) or for an exchange to a different product. Please click here for more information about our returns policy and how to return your item for free.

You can click here to see the full breakdown of our delivery system, where all orders over £30.00 qualify for free shipping, with the option to upgrade for certain days/times. All orders are sent with next day delivery, unless specified otherwise.

We try to keep as many products in stock as we can, however some products on the site will be listed as out of stock. If an item is listed as out of stock, there will be a slight delay in shipping whilst we wait for new stock to arrive. This wait time can vary from brand to brand, but we will try to provide as much information as possible throughout the process.

If anything is not as expected with your order, please contact us as soon as possible and we will be able to assist further. We try to avoid any mistakes, and we check every product for damage/imperfections before items leave us, however mistakes can be made. Please contact us on [email protected] or 01926 298499 if you notice anything incorrect about your order.

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